+1 412-281-8676
2315 Koppers Building
436 Seventh Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15219



With MJB Law, you get the personal touch and attention of a dynamic small practice with the hard-hitting capabilities and expertise of a large law firm.

Who I Am

I’m the one you want on your side.  I am an experienced trial lawyer who loves being in the courtroom arguing for you. I am your legal adviser, your confidant and your advocate. After graduating from Duquesne University Law School at the top of my class in 1991, I spent three years as an associate for the largest firm in Pittsburgh before opening my own office. Since then, I have developed a broad practice focused on the problems and situations that affect you.

What I Do

I solve problems. I have found that every client’s problem or situation is unique and, working closely with you, I find and pursue the resolution that is right for you. The law provides a means to an end. By being creative, innovative and determined, I use all the means the law provides to get you what you deserve.


It’s your case; let me be your partner. I believe in having a collaborative relationship with my clients, from our initial meeting, through trial or final resolution. That means being in touch and staying in touch, keeping you updated and keeping you involved. I provide practical and useful legal advice, straightforward answers to your questions and I make sure you are fully prepared for whatever comes.


Large corporations have big law firms representing their interests; you need and deserve an attorney who can do the same for you. My areas of practice are focused on helping individuals, sole proprietors and small businesses solve their problems or maximize their opportunities.


I represent employees, including hourly workers, middle managers and executives, with the many opportunities, problems and conflicts that arise out of their employment relationships, including issues related to hiring, being paid for the work performed and for discriminatory or other wrongful termination.

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I believe that when you hire an attorney to take on your personal injury case, that attorney should be the one working on it from beginning to end, not his or her associates, paralegals or staff members. So, when you retain my office, I’ll be the one you talk to, work with and rely on. I have the experience to know what your case is worth and the confidence and ability to take it to trial if the other side is unwilling to pay.

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Small businesses, much like large corporations, face a wide range of legal issues, problems and dilemmas. Small businesses need legal services to help them avoid lawsuits in the first place or to win them if litigation is the only alternative. I know small business. Further, I know that the key to succeeding is to be forward thinking and proactive; anticipating and solving problems before they derail your enterprise. And, I know how to do it in such a way that your legal bills won’t ruin your bottom-line.

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Unfortunately, controversies and disputes are not always resolved through negotiation or settlement. Sometimes you have to go to court. When that happens, you want an attorney who “knows his way around a court room.” I have handled numerous cases in various state and federal courts. I have also done appellate work; handling cases in the Pennsylvania Superior Court, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court and the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. I have also litigated cases in other forums, including the state boards for licensed professionals, AAA arbitration and FINRA.

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When an employer contests your application for unemployment compensation benefits, you often find yourself in the middle of a process that involves a hearing to determine whether you are eligible.  Losing that hearing can result in real financial hardship, especially if your termination was not due to willful misconduct or other disqualifying events.  An unemployment compensation hearing is like a “min-trial”; both sides present testimony, enter exhibits and have an opportunity to conduct cross-examination.  You need a lawyer on your side.  I handle unemployment compensation hearings for a flat fee.

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If you have a legal issue that you want to discuss or a document that you want a lawyer to review before you sign it, call me. I offer flat fee consultations. Large corporations never make important decisions before “running it past a lawyer”.  Nor should you. Fortunately, you can get the same excellent quality advice and counsel for an affordable price.

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Getting an employment discrimination case to court: it starts with the EEOC

Let’s assume that you have just been fired from your job and the reason given...
March 23, 2018

Employment Discrimination – An Overview

Under federal and state law, and employer is not permitted to make employment decisions (including...
March 18, 2018

Sometimes you have to fight to get unemployment compensation

As a general rule, if an employer terminates your employment, you are entitled to receive...
February 16, 2018

Have a legal question or legal document that you want reviewed? Talk to me

After graduating law school, I began my legal career working for Reed Smith, one of...
February 16, 2018

Trial Work and Litigation

I handle civil trial work and litigation on behalf of plaintiffs and defendants in a...
February 16, 2018

Legal services for small business

Small businesses often start with big ideas. Turn those ideas into a profitable company requires...
February 16, 2018

Hire a personal injury attorney who takes your case personally

The trauma of getting injured in an accident is a horrible experience:  hospitalization, medical bills,...
February 16, 2018

Your job is your business; know and protect your rights

As a general rule, non-union employees in Pennsylvania and most jurisdictions in the US are...
February 15, 2018



You can reach MJB at:
2315 Koppers BUilding, 436 Seventh Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA  15219


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